



Akatsuki Nikoichi Escape

Happy new year (although it's already February) This is the first work in 2021. As the title suggests, the theme this time is Nikoichi. Nikoichi is to make one out of two (or more) junk items, for example, "Assemble one working radio using the unbroken parts of two broken radios". say. This work also made a game with the concept of two in one like that. In the previous work, I reduced the text and made a game that mainly consisted of figures and pictures, but it became more like a picture matching game rather than solving a mystery, so this time it became the main game to solve the mystery by reflecting on it. I have. I think there are some annoying mysteries, but as usual, we have prepared a Walkthrough video, so please refer to it when you get stuck.

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Akatsuki Nikoichi Escape Walkthrough